I see a 'Conflict detected in config.json' notification

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I see a 'Conflict detected in config.json' notification

If you see the notification ‘Conflict detected in config.json’ in the History & Rollback > Code Deployment interface, it is because StagingPro detected a conflict / content mismatch between the config.json on your GitHub repository and the config.json on your BigCommerce store.

Please click on the link ‘Click here to view the issue’ to see what the differences are.


After carefully reviewing the differences between the two versions, you can choose either to:

  1. Overwrite the BigCommerce config.json with your Git deployment config.json (or)

  2. Avoid overwriting the BigCommerce config.json and use this version instead

Also there are 2 ‘Approval Status’ options as per the screenshot.

Here you can choose either to:

  1. Approve and Deploy the change straightaway (or)

  2. Generate a preview of the change for visual inspection (prior to Approval and Deploying the change)

As best practice, always test the changes by deploying to a Staging site instead of testing the deployment directly to the Production Instance. This way you will get accustomed to the flow before doing the changes directly on the production instance and verify the code changes are correct, before rollout to Production.

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