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If you use GitHub for code deployments, you can integrate it with StagingPro!

Under the ‘Settings’ tab, click on ‘Connect GitHub’

Please note that a valid GitHub ID is mandatory. If you don’t have a GitHub id, you can get one for free by clicking here.

There are 3 important steps to cover in order to use your GitHub repository with StagingPro:

  1. Check your GitHub repository

  2. Adding stagingpro as an approved collaborator to your GitHub repository

  3. Linking your GitHub repository with your StagingPro environment

Check your GitHub repository

The first thing to make sure of is that your repository is created under the user type “Organisation” and not under a Personal Account type. If you do not yet have an organization account, then you can follow the GitHub documentation on this subject. To do this, navigate to your repositories and click “New.”

Enter a suitable “Repository Name” (as an example - testrepo)

It is recommended that the repository should be ”Private.”

“Add a README” file MUST be selected. A file needs to exist otherwise it will not be possible for StagingPro to create a branch and you will get an error during the StagingPro linking

Click “Create Repository”

Adding stagingpro as an approved collaborator to your GitHub repository

You are now sitting with a repository with no branches, and we need to add collaborators. To do this, click on “Settings.”

Click on “Collaborators and Teams” then “Add People.”

Click “Add People,” and in the resulting pop-up box, add stagingpro as a collaborator

Once the user is selected, you will be presented with a list of roles. You MUST select Admin and click “Add stagingpro to this repository”

You have now created a collaborator which has the status of “Pending Invite”. And the invitation has now been sent to StagingPro

Linking your GitHub repository with your StagingPro environment

For StagingPro to accept the invite, you must click on the “ <> Code” icon in the menu tab and copy the page URL

Copy the URL into the “Add GIT Repo URL” in StagingPro and click “Verify

You will see the success notification if the linking is successful.

Use the “Add Team Member” button to specify the team member email id’s and use the ‘Change Permission’ button to update the repository permissions.

Each environment you have created will be visible and you can now specify the kinds of permissions you want to apply. You also can create a branch in any of the environments for the particular user if a new environment was added after the fact.

These permissions are based on the GitHub documentation which can be found here.

Click Save, to add the team member

You can also view the Git Branch association from the Home page

To view our onboarding steps, please access the following article StagingPro Onboarding

To view Git workflow illustrations as reference for your StagingPro implementations, please access the following article Github Actions / Workflow process

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