Understanding the Bulk Content Migration Screen

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Understanding the Bulk Content Migration Screen

Bulk Content migration assumes the destination store / storefront as empty.

Select your source environment (Store & Storefront), select your destination environment (Store & Storefront), select the entities you wish to migrate and click on the ‘Start the Migration’ button.

Once the migration is submitted, click on the History and RollBack tab to check the progress of the migration.




Under the ‘Order Data Migration’ section, choose ‘Anonymise Customer Data’ to scramble the source environment’s customer data before it is migrated to your destination environment for testing and data security purposes.

Entities with the black info circle icon have dependencies. Example Products when migrated brings over its dependencies, this case Brands and Categories.

Entities without the black info circle icon have no dependencies and can be migrated as is.

Schedule migration and B2B migration are Premium plan features


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