Yes, Coupon Codes, Promo Codes are part of Promotions. When you move Promotions using StagingPro, StagingPro follows the following steps:
It locates the SKUs and Category Names and their Hierarchy on the source store for the promotions and it then creates the Products and Categories on the destination Store.
After Categories and associated products are created, it will then generate the Promotion and attach them to the Promotion.
Coupon Code associations are with SKU’s instead of Product ID’s because they can be different IDs on different BigCommerce instances.
Similarly Category IDs are not taken into account; instead, we take into account the EXACT Category name and create them / attach them primarily based on “Name” and their hierarchy.
As of now all promotions are moved in its entirety. Moving selective promotions will be considered as part of the development roadmap.
IMPORTANT: Be advised that Promotions moved through UI cannot be edited. Workaround is to delete the promotion, recreate it correctly in source and then migrate so it transfers across correctly.