API : store/manage/orders
Order IDs in BigCommerce are incremental and so StagingPro is unable to keep the original order number. It will still migrate the order but it will have a different order number. It is also because of this incremental behavior that records in the destination store cannot be deleted thus having the effect of the destination store continually growing with each migration that occurs. It is therefore recommended not to migrate orders unless it is absolutely necessary.
All orders which are migrated have their status changed to “Pending” as keeping the original status may trigger emails to be sent out to clients.
The following fields are migrated as part of ‘Orders’ however many are not visible on the UI.
Orders |
Id | RefundedAmount |
CustomerId | OrderIsDigital |
DateCreated | StoreCreditAmount |
DateModified | GiftCertificateAmount |
DateShipped | IpAddress |
StatusId | GeoipCountry |
Status | GeoipCountryIso2 |
SubtotalExTax | CurrencyId |
SubtotalIncTax | CurrencyCode |
SubtotalTax | CurrencyExchangeRate |
BaseShippingCost | DefaultCurrencyId |
ShippingCostExTax | DefaultCurrencyCode |
ShippingCostIncTax | StaffNotes |
ShippingCostTax | CustomerMessage |
ShippingCostTaxClassId | DiscountAmount |
BaseHandlingCost | CouponDiscount |
HandlingCostExTax | ShippingAddressCount |
HandlingCostIncTax | IsDeleted |
HandlingCostTax | EbayOrderId |
HandlingCostTaxClassId | BillingAddress_FirstName |
BaseWrappingCost | BillingAddress_LastName |
WrappingCostExTax | BillingAddress_Company |
WrappingCostIncTax | BillingAddress_Street1 |
WrappingCostTax | BillingAddress_Street2 |
WrappingCostTaxClassId | BillingAddress_City |
TotalExTax | BillingAddress_State |
TotalIncTax | BillingAddress_Zip |
TotalTax | BillingAddress_Country |
ItemsTotal | BillingAddress_CountryIso2 |
ItemsShipped | BillingAddress_Phone |
PaymentMethod | BillingAddress_Email |
PaymentProvider_id | Products |
PaymentStatus | ShippingAddresses |
OrderSource |
Anonymising Data
While difficult to identify due to the order IDs AND customer names having been changed, StagingPro successfully anonymizes data for GDPR and stops your developers from getting access to personal information.
PLEASE NOTE : Anonymise Data is an option that has to be chosen manually and is not automatically applied.