This is the list of products available for you to choose from. What you see is dependent on the catalog source(3)
Advanced Filters bar. Search by keyword, category, visibility, product status, featured product, or selection status.
The catalog source (which environment do you want the products to be copied FROM.
This is a list of available environments you can copy to. Note: This is only visible when clicking the “Copy Products” button.
The copy products button keeps track of the number of products that you have selected to migrate. By clicking on this and selecting the destination environment, your migration will begin.
If a variation product that is moved from source to destination does not exist, it will create a new product. However, if it already exists, the existing product on the destination will be deleted and a new product created. This behavior only applies to Variation items and not normal standard products.
If you get an error showing that a Variation Child SKU already exists, you will have to re-try moving the Parent product in a few seconds. This error is temporary because the product delete request has not yet been processed whilst the new product creates the request is trying to create the variation child. By the time you re-try, the deletion process will have already been completed; hence your request will succeed.