Click on Add Team member you will see below screen where you can see user verification form required two mandatory parameter like below screen.
To get username and name logged into user Bitbucket account click on settings wheel icon on top right and then click on “Personal Bitbucket Settings”
https://bitbucket.org/account/settings/Here in this screen Name refer as Bitbucket Name and Username refer Bitbucket Username for the above screen like this
Bitbucket Name: Ravi Gant
Bitbucket Username: srinivasgr
After cloning branch go the folder Make some changes in the files
Open gitbash and write cd Productione160c1(“cloned folder);
git clone --branch branchname https://bigistagingprolatest:$authtoken@bitbucket.org/bigistagingpro/stagingprostaging.git branchname
After cloning branch do cd branchname
Make changes in the required file
git status to check the changes
git add --all : to add all the changes
git commit -m 'Commit Message'
git push origin branchname
Then go to code deployment screen there you can see the direct commit changes like this
By clicking on “Generate Preview and Approve Later” link user can launch Preview for direct commit
Click on “Approve and Deploy to initiate deployment
Workflow for Pull Request
Create Pull request in your bitbucket account under repository section
See the left menu and click on “Pull request”
Click on create pull request on the top right side then select the Environment branch for the destination branch dropdown.
you will see this screen where you can add your comment and then click on “approve” and “merge”
After clicking merge you will see this screen
You can add your comment but do not made modifications on top commit message like “Merged in Akanksha247e160c1472899 (pull request #12)” and simply click on “Merge” button Then you will start seeing entries like this under “Code Deployment”
Here you can see the generate Preview link click on “Generate Preview and Approve Later” link and select the correct note version from dropdown and then again click on “Launch Preview” button.
After StagingPro is linked with your Git repository, the active branches are programmatically generated and these names must NOT be changed.
StagingPro Git Branch workflow
As part of theme deployment workflow, consider the following StagingPro setup showing your mapped environments for Production, Staging and UAT.
Now consider BitBucket users (developer and designer) added to StagingPro using the ‘Connect BitBucket’ tab